Tuesday, 8 June 2010

It’s been a while! But so much has been happening!
Last Thursday I travelled up to Warren House in Kingston for a Lady Taveners lunch event with the Daniel team! Myself, Christine Quar and Claire Logue had the pleasure of glamming up the already very glamorous Ladies and selling Daniel Sandler Cosmetics to raise money for their projects.
My hectic weekend involved moving house, clients at Essensuals, photographic studio work and making up Lauren for her big day! Lauren is a wedding planner (check out www.florenceblue.co.uk) and I cannot wait for a pic!
Tuesday morning was an early one, up to London to assist Daniel with another Boots.com makeup video. All about bronzing face makeup for a natural glow and a bit of the fake tan application! Then, as Daniel is super amazing at doing things in one take, we finished early and I went to big Topshop. I couldn’t resist the Wah Nails nail bar so got my nails done. Nail Tech Chantel was great and my nails are a lush grey with pink lip kiss marks on my thumbs! I so have to try it myself and get those pens at Essensuals Beauty!
Then this morning brightened up quickly with a visit from photographer Kim to Essensuals Beauty. Fresh faced model in tow, I got to be part of one of the most exciting shoots ever, and prepped the model for an underwater fashion shoot. Pic to be posted soon! Very 80’s inspired, I just had to go for bold block colours on the eyes as the shapes shot underwater were very unique. I finished my beauty page for Listed magazine with Festival Glamour beauty tips and perfect plaits and then picked up a copy of the June edition my way home!
More is planned so I’ll update you soon!

ps this was posted today the 8th of june but was meant to be posted on the 1st, internet troubles you see!