Sunday, 31 January 2010

Essensuals Beauty Launch and Instyle Magazine Beauty Awards


Minxing fingers and toes at the salon since my last blog has been great fun and we also had our 1st promotional event.. Our Launch Party!

Thursday the 21st, Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd of January saw myself and Carly with a busy, busy little salon! We invited clients past, present and all the hair clients from Essensuals hair in for a lil look around and discounts if they booked right away or wanted retail. Balloons are still up, thanx Hullaballoon and we sabotaged everyones new year resloution of being healthy with amazing cupcakes, thanx Bagel Haven! Thanks everyone involved for help, support and attending! We hope to plan an another event in a few months time.

Next, on the 25th, I went up to London and helped Mr Daniel Sandler with prepping the loverly team of Instyle magazine gals for their beauty awards. This was held at the Berkley Hotel in Knightsbridge and a very glam event hosted by Claudia Winkleman. I prepped, moisturised, did foundation, cleaned brushes, got fake lashes out the boxes and was on standby with tissues and cotton buds. I love doing assisting jobs, it's great to be part of events and I don't think I'll get tired of the variety in my makeup jobs and the salon. I'm gonna enjoy blogging about all my experiences...

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Minx Nails!!!

Hello Everyone!

Yesterday me and Carly took a trip to the Creative Nail Academy to stock up on new items for the salon...Minx Nails! This is one of the newest crazes to hit the U.K in terms of Beauty Treatments. It seems to have happened overnight..... but it's come from the U.S, quirky chrome, metallic and patterned nail art as seen on the finger tips of Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Katy Perry to name but 3!

The Minx Armour is like a sticky transfer the covers the whole of your nail, set with an infra red heat lamp and filed to seal across your free edge. I applied a cream and chrome square pattern to Carly and for myself I chose gold and silver lepoard print design. We are testing the wear, but so far I've worked the rest of yesterday at the salon, washed up, had two showers, (they are water proof like polish but excessive heat can damage them and i like my showers hot!!!) typed and emailed and sanded down an A board and they still look fresh. Impressed so far.

We are offering a good discount at the salon for the next few new clients wanting this treatment, whilst we pick up our speed and hone our technique 01202 553400 and we can Minx your toes too!

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Ooooh! Welcome to my blog! This is my New Years Resolution (so good until mid-February!)

I hope to provide lots of news and direct updates but at the moment I'm feeling a bit clueless on how to get started!

Happy New Year and speak to you soon!